Hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging
Hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging

hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging

hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging

  • xp for ground attacks was also applied to air superiority missions.
  • Units moving to a valid retreat location will now prefer going there rather than a random other province if attacked.
  • Fixed a civil war revolters not getting correct focus tree.
  • reduced experience gains for airwings to 5% from 10% in air doctrines.
  • reduced loss in stability from no further appeasement branch of UK focuses from losses of 15 stability to losses of 10 stability.
  • decreased bombing reduction from 12% to 10% for dispersed industry 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • increased bombing reduction from 12% to 15% for dispersed industry 1.
  • reduced ship experience gains from naval combat by ~20%.
  • reduced air wing experience gain from 2nd and 3rd level reformer air chief.
  • lowered manpower requirement on germanys Anchluss focus slightly.
  • increased malus from "war to end all wars" UK spirit to 30% to account for extra manpower from colonies.
  • lowered IC cost of infantry equipment 3 to 0.69.
  • lowered IC cost of infantry equipment 2 to 0.58.
  • changed IC cost of infantry equipment 0 to 0.43.
  • Austria Hungary now gets -40% tension needed for justification.
  • added a suppression value of 3 to all tanks.
  • lowered screen ratio for navies from 4 to 3.
  • Japan now gains wargoals on Indochina if France rejects Japanese demands.
  • CSA can now core multiple territories at once.
  • Increased Panzerschiff HP from 100 to 220 to make them more inline with heavy cruisers.
  • Rebalanced carrier fighter disruption and fixed bugs with its calculation.
  • Tech bonuses in the Italian Focus tree now apply to categories rather than specific techs (thanks xMer!).
  • Australia can now take the Advisory War Council focus if at war.
  • Made the lack of fuel penalty on torpedoes -80% rather than -50%.
  • Researches can no longer claim two different research bonuses at the same time if they only have one of ahead of time and research bonuses each.
  • reduced effectiveness of medium armor amphibious assault from 30% to 20%.
  • reduced effectiveness of heavy armor amphibious assault from 20% to 10%.
  • increased armor on amph tank 2 from 60 to 80.
  • increased armor on amph tank 1 from 10 to 20.
  • removed hardness modifier from mech and added those benefits into base stats.
  • lowered requirements for support rocket artillery equipment to be in line with normal artillery equipment/mechanized.txt.
  • Mobile Defense tech defense bonus changed from 20% to 10%.
  • Shock and Awe tech soft attack gets an additional 5% soft attack to all fighting battalions.
  • Superior Firepower tech soft attack bonus changed from 20% to 10%.
  • Entering close combat tactic phase is now a lot less likely unless in urban fighting.
  • Frequency of tactics picking in combat is now doubled.
  • improved penetration of all medium ship guns.
  • Various industry buildup focuses for romania now prioritize better or historical states for their location.
  • Air superiority now scales from 0 to max penalty for enemy from the 50/50 state rather than giving the side with >1% advantage most of the benefit right away.
  • air superiority formula now linear instead of square with respect to planes.
  • xp gained on air wings in combat now scale with actual amount of planes in combat.
  • New country tags in Oceania: Tahiti, the Mariana Federation, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Solomon Islands, Samoa, and Hawai’i.
  • New Oceania Colonization Status game rule, Polynesian Empire: all Polynesian nations will be united into a single state at game start with extra factories and dockyards.
  • New Oceania Colonization Status game rule, Oceania Decolonised: all releasable nations in Oceania will be independent at game start.
  • New Spanish Fragmentation game rule, 11th of November: splits Spain into Castille, Aragon, Navarra, Galicia, and the Emirate of Granada at game start.
  • New Spanish Fragmentation game rule, Spain Fragmented: Galicia, the Basque Country, and Catalonia will exist as independent states at game start.
  • Licensing now requires permission to be seen.
  • New mapmodes for resistance & Compliance.
  • hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging

    MEFO bills will now auto-renew and player can decide ahead of time if they want to opt out.Neutral ideology can now be externally boosted.Added search functionality and filters for focus trees.

    hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging

    Revamped Resistance system with offmap garrisons.Operatives that can perform missions and operations.


    Patch 1.9, aka "Husky", was released on coinciding with the release of La Résistance DLC.

    Hoi4 multiplayer keeps lagging